Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is dentistry aimed at creating a positive change to your teeth and to your smile. Dr. Repscher is an experienced dental resource for patients as they strive to maintain their health, function, and appearance for their lifetime. We believe that esthetic dentistry must complement the overall general and oral health of the patient.

Cosmetic Procedures

Smile enhancement can have dramatic results on your overall appearance; even the smallest step can boost your confidence, and self-esteem, and make you want to smile more. With modern advances in dentistry, cosmetic procedures can range from a basic color correction to replacing missing teeth, and everything in between. 

Why Select Dr. Repscher?

Dr. Repscher has sought education and training on the latest procedures, techniques, and products through conferences, apprenticeships, and workshops. Dr. Repscher works to stay a step ahead of other dentists by keeping informed on trends and learning how the latest products and technology benefit the patient and support responsible esthetics and systemic oral health. By selecting Dr. Repscher, you know he cares enough to stay in the forefront of cosmetic dentistry, so you receive the most up-to-date and best care available.

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Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule

Repscher Dental


8:00 am-3:00 pm


8:00 am-3:00 pm


8:00 am-3:00 pm


8:00 am-3:00 pm


8:30 am-12:00 pm



